
COVID-19 Resources
Resources to protect your health, safety and well-being during COVID-19
At CMHA Thunder Bay, we are committed to protecting the health, safety and well-being of our community and every staff member, student, service user, and family member we work with. With the amount of information and attention on COVID-19, we understand it can be overwhelming to find credible and accurate information, causing feelings of distress, fear and anxiety. To help you easily navigate the available information, we have compiled a list of resources from government, public health agencies, and trusted healthcare and mental health organizations.
COVID 19 Resource Directory for Service Providers available supports via phone, text and online:
View the COVID-19-related resources. Topics include:
- Stay Up to Date on the Latest COVID-19 Information
- Health Sector Resources
- E-Mental Health, Privacy and Confidentiality
- Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities
- Justice Sector Resources
- Housing Sector Resources
- Mental Health & COVID-19
- Resources for Children, Youth and Families
- Resources for Students, Parents and Families & Faculty
- Resources for Healthcare Workers and Caregivers
- Being Trauma-Informed during COVID-19
- Preventing Crime during COVID-19
- Cell Phones, Internet and Technology
- Food Security Resources
- Financial Resources
- Harm Reductions Resources
- Resources for Newcomers/Refugees
- Working Remotely: Tips for Success
- Opportunities to “Skill Up”: Free e-Learning and Online Courses
View a list of available mental health supports via phone, text and online:
Mental Health Tips
CMHA Ontario – Five key mental health tips: Provides five key mental health tips for individuals who may be experiencing increased stress and anxiety
Mental Health Commission of Canada – Five mental health tips to help Canadians: Compiled five tips to help Canadians protect their mental health as they strive to safeguard their physical well-being and that of their loved ones – How to look out for your mental health during COVID-19: Shares tips on how we can look out for our mental and physical health as we navigate tough times, together.
CMHA Crisis Response Phone Lines: Crisis Response Services offers 24/7 telephone services to both youth and adults who are experiencing a mental health crisis or anxiety about COVID-19.
Thunder Bay: 807-346-8282
District / Toll-Free: 1-888-269-3100
Kenora Rainy River District: 1-866-888-8988
BounceBack – 10 ways to reduce anxiety: Provides 10 things you can do right now to reduce anxiety, stress and worry related to COVID-19
View the Ministry of Ontario’s self-assessment tool and the latest COVID-19 public health updates, information and education on how to best protect yourself:
If you think you or someone you know may be experiencing symptoms of coronavirus, use the Ministry of Ontario’s self-assessment tool to determine if you need to seek further medical care: Ministry of Ontario’s self-assessment tool
If you have you received a test and are waiting for your COVID-19 results, you can access and view your results from the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Test Results Viewer: COVID-19 Rest Results Viewer
For the latest public health information and updates regarding COVID-19:
Thunder Bay updates and information: Thunder Bay District Health Unit
Ontario updates and information: Ontario Ministry of Health
Canada updates and information: Health Canada
Global updates and information: World Health Organization
For education and information on how to best protect yourself from COVID-19:
World Health Organization: Busting myths about COVID-19
View a list of activities, apps and videos you can do on your own or with your family while you’re at home:
Online Resources for Social Connection and Metal Wellness During COVID-19
A wonderful resource shared from CMHA Hamilton to download and take advantage of for online services to help support mental wellness and social connection during COVID-19.
Below is a list of activities compiled by CMHA Toronto of apps and videos to do your own or with family while you are at home.
Crayola: Multiple categories of free printable colouring pages
Mandala Maker: Free printable mandala colouring pages
Fitness Blender: Free workout videos for every fitness level
Quizfreak: Test yourself with online trivia from a variety of categories!
Tour the World from Your Couch
Museum Views: Explore a virtual panoramic view of famous sites in 360 street view tours
The Metropolitan Opera: Watch the opera for free
Buckingham Palace: Virtually tour Buckingham Palace
Access Mars: Virtually tour Mars recorded by NASA’s Curiosity rover
Virtual Tours: Here’s a Massive List of Museums, Zoos, and Theme Parks Offering Virtual Tours.
Smartphone Mindfulness/Meditation Apps
Insight Timer: Free app for sleep, anxiety and stress
Calm: Offers a variety of music, movements and sounds to help you sleep, meditate and relax
Happify: Overcome negative thoughts, stress and life’s challenges using effective, evidence-based solutions for better mental health
View a list of virtual healthcare services if you need to see a medical professional, get a better understanding of your symptoms from your home:
If you believe you are experiencing a crisis, please call CMHA Thunder Bay Crisis Response
Thunder Bay: 807-346-8282
District / Toll-Free: 1-888-269-3100
Kenora Rainy River District: 1-866-888-8988
If it is an emergency, please call 911 or proceed to your nearest emergency room.
For health advice:
TeleHealth Ontario: CALL: 1-866-797-0000 Free, confidential service to receive health advice and information
For virtual healthcare services:
Get Maple: Digital walk-in clinic free for Canadian residents
Cover Health: Digital walk-in clinic free for Ontario residents