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The Northwest Community Mobilization Network

The Northwest Community Mobilization Network is comprised of the Northwest Centre of Responsibility or NW COR (formerly the Northwest Regional Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee or NWR HSJCC), the Kenora Rainy River District Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee (KRRDHSJCC), Persons with lived experience and Situation Tables from across Northwestern Ontario.

Norwest Core

This network was formed in early 2017 when the former Northwest Human Services Justice Coordinating Committee and Thunder Bay District Human Justice Coordinating Committees made the decision to merge and rebrand to incorporate a HUB/Community Mobilization Model into the structure as one regional committee.  These changes also included forming stronger ties to the KRRDHSJCC and to Situation Tables that were emerging across the region.   Both the NW COR and KRRDHSJCC continue to have a strong presence at the Provincial HSJCC table to ensure that issues arising in NW Ontario are brought forward and considered in decision making and advocacy efforts.

The Northwest Centre of Responsibility (NW COR)

HSJCC logo

Please contact the Coordinator for more information or if your agency is interested in joining the network.

Jenny Leadbeater – Coordinator, Thunder Bay Situation Table and NW Community Mobilization Network
[email protected]
(807) 630-2272

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