Getting Appropriate Personal and Professional Support (GAPPS)
Jun 7, 2022
GAPPS services reach out to clients in the community who are not connected to traditional services, are homeless and have serious mental health and addictions issues. Read more for details.
Eligibility: 16 and over The GAPPS Program is a partnership between Canadian Mental Health Association, Thunder Bay Branch (CMHA), St. Joseph’s Care Group (SJCG) and the NorWest Community Health Centres, Thunder Bay Site.
The services of GAPPS reach out and engage with a population of vulnerable persons with serious, unstable, complex mental illness, addiction and social issues. Clients of GAPPS often have difficulty engaging with traditional services and may not access services in times of need. A multidisciplinary team workers reach out and connect with these individuals to help them navigate mental health and addiction services, connect or reconnect them to community resources and work with them to improve their overall health and well-being.
Canadian Mental Health Association, Thunder Bay Branch (CMHA), St. Joseph’s Care Group (SJCG) and the NorWest Community Health Centres, Thunder Bay Site, in partnership, deliver the services with staffing from the following disciplines:
- Two Outreach and Engagement Workers – CMHA
- One Registered Nurse – SJCG
- Psychiatry .5 day – SJCG
- Nurse Practitioner – SJCG
- Community Health Worker (NorWest Community Health Centres, Thunder Bay Site)
- Program Coordinator – SJCG
Outreach involves the initial contact with individuals to begin to build rapport, identify needs, and encourage self management practices with redirection to available community resources.
Engagement continues to build rapport and is the process of exploring needs that may require more intensive mental health and addiction services.
Navigation is short term assistance supporting individuals towards self management through the delivery of education and empowerment.
Service Coordination
Service coordination is assisting and advocating for individuals with complex mental health and addictions issues with the goal of beginning to connect them to services.
Individuals over the age of 16 with serious, unstable complex mental health and addiction issues who are not already connected to a community mental health or addictions service.
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
To make a referral or inquiry contact:
Program Coordinator (807)624-3461
Outreach and Engagement Workers:
(807) 620-5035
(807) 632-0124